Video games are becoming more and more popular and played by millions of players all over the world each day. This is true for all sorts of games, including casino games and gambling since many people like to partake in these from time to time, especially when they have Ladbrokes Sign Up Offer. However, I will talk only about video games today since they are most widely spread. That is also why the value of the gaming industry is rising rapidly on the world’s market, and video games are no longer played on PCs only. There are mobile phones, tablets, and different consoles on which video games can be played, which attracts more and more gaming enthusiasts. It is the same case with gamers in Canada, although many experts warn that playing video games in Canada has become a bit worrying. Let’s analyze the statistics which show the current state of interest in video games as far as Canada is concerned.
How much do Canadians play video games?

In the last three years, surveys have shown that 65% of Canadians play video games on a daily basis. The total number of players includes 96% of young men aged 18-34, which could have been expected as we think of the general impression on each country. Interestingly enough, the number of women starting to play video games on a daily basis is rising, which can change the general structure of Canadian gamers very soon.
These statistics show us that there has been an increased interest in video games in Canada for the past several years, which also has its shortcomings. One-third of players claim that they happened to be insulted by their opponents while they played online games, which is most common for the group of male players aged 18-24. The majority of Canadians agree that video games can easily develop a particular kind of addiction and that these games can cause destructive and aggressive behavior among young people who haven’t built their personalities yet.
Watching other gamers
When it comes to the latest trends in consuming video games, there is a more passive way to spend your leisure time by simply watching other people playing your favorite video game. The percentage of those choosing to watch others playing games has risen from 23% to 56%, and they also include the group of male observers aging 18-to 24. The surveys show that one-fifth of interrogated Canadians claim that these eSports are as essential as traditional sports tournaments and championships while making the parallel to the most popular live sport in Canada, and that is hockey.

There is another interesting fact that video games and eSport are especially popular among Chinese Canadians. The general attitude of Chinese Canadians who are into gaming is that it is cool to dwell in the world of video games, which contributes to their public image. When one sums up the percentage of Canadian gamers, four out of five Chinese Canadians are into gaming. The general picture will change as Canada has become a real cultural melting pot, bearing in mind that each group of immigrants has a different attitude towards the world of video games.
The pandemic
The increased number of players in the past three years can be further explained by COVID19 pandemics. It has made Canadians spend more time at their home, and the lack of outside activity boosts the need to switch on the computer and find some kind of entertainment there. Video games have become a way to escape the cruel reality when you cannot meet your dear people and find some comfort.